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Who is the artist?

I'm Rick Loudermilk, and I graduated in fine art at the University of Louisiana in 1982.  I have worked as a full-time painter, printmaker and mixed media artist in Austin for 43 years. 

Each year I participate in a dozen or more of the best juried art fairs in the country. The schedule page features upcoming shows.

rick loudermilk award winner demonstrati

So, what is this?
I paint on a wooden board, then pour epoxy art resin over the painting. After the resin cures, I continue to paint.  I may add materials to the wet or dried paint and selectively incise or scrape paint through to incorporate the imagery below.   I repeat the cycle several times.

Look closely at the paintings. You can see the built-up layers of paint and clear resin resembling fused glass.  That's what makes my artwork different. The painting has a luminous depth from the paint/resin layering technique, and from varying paint opacity throughout the work.  It allows you to look into the piece, not just at the surface.  It's more evocative than regular painting even from a distance.

Some paintings lean more toward mixed media with the additions of wax pencil, paper, and metal sandpaper grit. And yes, I use a ruler and tape when blending color with brushes. 

Much of my work is considered "color field" or "hard edge color field”.  I juxtapose bold, opaque colors with more sensitive transparent layers. I work to create a visually powerful emotion for the viewer, hopefully a "I have to take that home!" kind of reaction.

rick loudermilk contemplating next paint
rick loudermilk large scale painting stu
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